3 Months to Thirty Episode 9




I woke up on that Monday morning feeling energetic and beautiful. I spoke with Banky again last night before I went to bed and he was all sweetness. I was convinced we'll be good for each other.

I had forgotten the account I failed to secure on Friday, I was few minutes from the office when I suddenly remembered and had a feeling of dread at the bottom of my stomach. Margret Thatcher has been sounding desperate lately and she won't be happy I didn't secure the account. 

I checked my time and it was few minutes to 8:00AM, I drove slowly and packed at a mall that was 5 minutes drive from my office before picking up my phone to call Suzie.

"Hello Suzie"


"How are you doing Suzie? I am sorry I didn't reach out over the weekend, I was..."

"Banky happened, at Big Men's Resort" she said quietly.

"I was going to tell you Suzie, I swear. Wait! How did you know about Banky?"

"Social Media, blogs, Magazines... It was everywhere MJ, you are his new catch and the next victim"

"Victim? Are you referring to Bankole..."

"Bankole Williams! Jeez MJ! You can do better than this"

I felt as if Suzie was scolding me and I was getting angry. I knew Suzie is my friend but that didn't give her the right to talk about my Banky like that.

"Who has been feeding you with lies Suzie? Banky is not like that!"

"What is he like MJ? Do you even know this man? He is all the shades of wrong and he's stringing you along" she said angrily.

I took a deep breath, and attempted to put my temper under control.

"Banky is a perfect gentleman, he is so calm, reasonable and caring. I don't care about all these craps people are saying about him. Banky and I grew up together, he is a sweet boy that couldn't hurt a fly..."

"Was MJ! You should speak in the past tense. This man is not the Banky you know. He visit pimps and sleeps with all kinds of prostitute, he's abusive, and he is a Mama's boy..."

"Suzie, I can't believe this is you listening to all kinds of rumours. Those people are jealous. He was only in Nigeria for less than two weeks..."

"It is over two months already, and he already introduced three women to his mother. One was an high class prostitute and stripper, his mother disqualified the other two because she couldn't control them. His mother is really crazy MJ, she's a psycho patient and will make your life miserable"

"Suzie, have you met Banky before? Do you know his family?" I said raising my voice.

"There is something called social media MJ, have I ever given you a fake information before? This is a suicidal mission MJ"

"Suzie, can we talk about this another time? You have obviously allowed social media to cloud your judgement about someone you have never met before"

"At least I know he gets high anytime he sights a woman's cleavage, he sleeps with anything in skirt..."

"Suzie, let's talk another time. I am late for work" I said and disconnected the call. 

I hardly use social media because I was always busy with work, Suzie is acting like a witch today and I don't know what have gone into her. Where is her loyalty and sense of judgement? She was supposed to be my friend not an advocator for some gossip column"

I checked the time and it was past 8, I drove to the office and parked my car. I was surprised to see Margret Thatcher's car already at the garage, that means I won't even get to have enough time to compose myself.

Mary greeted me and gave me a glance full of envy as I passed, I knew she would steal my body if she could. I was looking exceptional today because I made extra effort with my appearance. I feel beautiful; who won't be when there is a man like Banky that knows how to say all the right things to a woman.

My office was connected to Margret Thatcher's office as her PA; two doors lead to my office and I avoided having to pass her office before mine. I needed some time to compose myself before facing iron Lady.

I had barely sat down when I heard her scream on top of her voice.

"Akande! Akande! Akande! You dare not try that rubbish with me! Where is she coming? Was it because I kept quiet all this while? You are playing with fire"

Our office was connected by a door, and I didn't have to strainy my ears to hear her, I am sure she wasn't aware I was around. 

"It is over my dead body that I will allow her come near Pure Havens, I built this business with my sweat and blood and I will fight with my last breathe. I will destroy you Akande! You are a wicked man! God will judge you"

She suddenly stood up and I could hear the sound of her heels as she paced her large office. She looked like someone that can't be broken easily. She was always perfect, always looking flawless, and always ensuring that she does not allow anyone guess what was going on in her mind.

"I dare you Akande! I dare you and that fool! I am waiting for you!" She screamed into the phone.

There was silence for about five minutes, I stood up from my seat and attempted to move out quietly, I knew she would feel embarrassed to know I heard that conversation. Then I heard it, it was soft at first but then it got louder "Margret Thatcher was weeping".

I opened the door softly and walked out, ensuring I made no noise with my stiletto heels. I walked up to Mary, and found her listening to an audio tape.


"Yes MJ" she was smiling sheepishly when she lifted her head.

"You are talking to a guy? Is it not too early?"

"No MJ, I am listening to Dr Buntu Banana's message"

"What is he talking about that made you blush?"

"He was giving us tips, how to get a man to commit and marry you. I am going to pay for his bootcamp..."

"Don't waste your money, he doesn't know Jack about love, I mean who goes by the name Banana?"

"Don't say that about Dr Banana, he is a love doctor"

"It's your money to waste Mary. I think it's too early to be listening to such tapes anyways, unless you want to buy a tape on how to find a job after you get fired when the boss caught you listening..."

She broke into a smile and winked at me "There is no book like that, the title is too long. What do you want MJ? Is the AC in your office not working?"

"It's fine, has anyone visited Margret Thatcher this morning?" I asked looking worried.

"No, but I noticed she came in very early this morning. Does she have a morning appointment I should know of?"

"No, can you cancel all her appointments for this morning please?"

Mary's phone rang immediately and she picked almost immediately. 

"Yes ma'am, MJ is here, two of our staff are yet to arrives MRS. We have about 7 staff on ground presently" she kept nodding her head, and then dropped the call several minutes later.

"There is an emergency meeting, and Margret Thatcher wants to see everyone. This is strange..."

"Mary, send out a memo and stop trying to analyze her decisions. And don't ever let her know I had stepped foot in my office today". I said and walked back to the office, this time around going through the front door.

"Good Morning MRS" 

"MJ! Thank God you are here. I need to put together a meeting immediately, contact other staff that are not around" 

"Yes MRS" I glanced at her and she looked composed, she made all traces of tears disappear.

The next 10 minutes was very busy for me, and Margret Thatcher was addressing the staff in our classy boardroom.

"I have called you here because we have an emergency at hand. We are in the middle of a court case and I want you all to get prepared. I know I am not the best of boses, but you all will agree with me that the best way to keep your job is to be on my side. We are going to win this case, and restore Pure Havens, I want you to trust me on this. I have decided to give everyone a two day leave, this does not mean you can stay home doing nothing. Take your pending accounts home and work on them, I'll get MJ to send you a Memo tomorrow. You are all dismissed"

She didn't give us the opportunity to ask any question and I had a thousand and one begging for answers. I knew there are two person in this world I could trust to give me the answers I need about Margret Thatcher: Suzie, or Mom. I am not on good terms with Suzie presently so I have to stick with Mom. "Who wants to take Pure Havens away from Margret Thatcher?"

Mom usually hold a meeting with her NGO team every Monday by 11:00AM, I checked the time and it was already past 10. I picked up my phone and called her.


"Hello Mom, where are you?"

"About to go out"

"Can I come to your NGO meeting? I have something to discuss with you and it's a matter of life and death" I said sounding desperate.

"Meet me at home, don't be late; I'll give you an hour"

It was a fast trip back home, I tried to avoid exceeding the speed limit but I was desperate to meet up with the time allotted. I got home in 45minutes, and I was glad I have at least 15minutes with Mom.

My heartbeat was erratic when I stepped into the living room, Mom was waiting for me, she was looking as radiant as ever.

I sat down on one of the soft cushions and she handed me a cup of tea.

"Drink this, you look as if you need it"

"Mom, you have to help me" I said taking the tea from her. I took a sip and dropped the cup on the table.

"Is this about Banky?" She said looking concerned.

"No! Who told you about Banky?"

"Your Dad. You don't have to worry Moni, I will help you"

"Why do you think I need help with Banky? I am an adult" 

"His Mom, she is going to be a problem. She doesn't like me, and she might want to create trouble for you"

"Why? We have been family friends for as long as I can remember"

"Things are not as they seem Moni, I suspected that she sent Banky out of the country when he was a teenager because he had a big crush on you. I didn't mind then because you didn't really like him"

"Really? Why? Her husband is Dad's friend" I said feeling stupid. Suzie was right after all, "What else was Suzie right about?"

"I am not blue blood. She thinks I don't deserve to marry your Dad because I wasn't from a wealthy family"

"That is crap! And you allowed her bully you?" I said getting angry.

"We'll discuss this another time, I don't have much time left. What do you want to discuss with me?"

"Mrs Amusat, my boss"


"Yes, someone wants to take Pure Havens away from her. Do you know who might be responsible for this?"

"I warned her about this but she won't listen, she was a fool to have married him"

"Her husband? It doesn't make any sense" I said looking puzzled.

"Let me help you. Abosede was my course mate, she was from an average family and very intelligent. Then she met this Muslim boy who was always following her around campus professing love. He was from a poor background and wasn't that bright, plus Abosede was a Christian then. She was from a Muslim background too before she turned a Christian, that must have influenced her decision. Well, we didn't like Akande, he wasn't even handsome"

I was hanging on to every word that came out of Mom's mouth and I was getting more curious with every passing minute.

"He renounced his faith, which we all knew was fake anyways. Abosede was too much in love to notice the deceit. They got married, and she started Pure Haven five years after. It was all her idea, well, he was the owner of the business name but he was just selling records then. She had two daughters then, but he wanted a male child so she kept having children. She finally stopped when she had her fifth daughter"

I remembered how Margret Thatcher kept telling me she married early and was happy,  I know now that it was just all lies. Her marriage must have been hell.

"He started keeping a Side Chick six years back, he couldn't marry her properly because he had a court marriage with Abosede and could be sued for Bigamy. I told Abosede to get rid of her but she wouldn't listen, I went to see her when I heard. She was already doing well with Pure Havens and they have other chains of businesses together. Pure Havens was a goldmine and he knew it. He sent his side chick abroad after her schooling, he was the one that sponsored her education"

"How old is this girl? I mean the side chick?"

"She should be in her early 30s by now" Mom said quietly.

"Why does she want Pure Havens?"

"It's not her, it's they. Akande wants to divorce Abosede so that he can marry her"

"Why?" I asked looking shocked.

"I heard they went for IVF and she's currently carrying twins, two boys" 

"Oh my God! What will happen to Mrs Abosede?" I said feeling sorry for Margret Thatcher.

"If she is half as strong as she looks now she will fight them and take back her company. I am going to help her" Mom said and stood up.


"You work at Pure Havens and I won't sit down and watch them turn that place to a circus" she said picking up her bag. It was a cue that she's on her way out.

"Mom, don't kill anybody. I am going to ask Dad to stop you, you can't just go about eliminating side chicks..."

"Who says I am going to kill her? Do I look like a killer to you?" She asked smiling. 

I recognize that smile on her face and I knew someone was about to get into trouble.

"Mom, the case is in court already. Let Mrs Abosede handle this, she is stronger than you think..."

"Everyone needs help Moni, enjoy your day dear" she said and gave me a peck.

"Oh God! Trouble is coming" 

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1. 3 Months to Thirty Episode 7

2. 3 Months to Thirty Episode 8

3. 3 Months to Thirty

4. 3 Months to Thirty Prologue

5. 3 Months to Thirty EP 1

6. 3 Months to Thirty EP 2

7. 3 Months to Thirty EP 3

8. 3 Months to Thirty EP 4

9. 3 Months to Thirty EP 5

10. 3 Months to Thirty EP 6

11. Why Guys Dump Good Girls

12. 5 Turn-off things guys do when toasting

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