How to Improve Self Esteem



I know everyone has that moment when you don't feel too good about yourself; after calculating your current state and achievement you feel as if you are not worth much and your self esteem begin to drop. Self Esteem can simply be defined as how you feel about yourself, and the value you place on yourself. We have two key words here "Self" and "Esteem", and I want you to pay attention to both. How much do you value yourself? Do you think you are beautiful and priceless or you want to hide your head in shame anytime you thing about your life journey?

In this article, we'll be looking at factors that affect our SELF ESTEEM and how to handle them. The goal of this content is to open your eyes to the beauty of your journey, and to encourage you to keep on loving yourself no matter what. People will place as much value on you as you place on yourself, so you want to raise the bar on how you see and treat yourself.


So many factors attack our self esteem, of course you want to be able to identify them so that you can take intentional steps to combat their effect.


Because we are in the era of materialism, our society defines people by the cars they ride, how much they earn, the value of their clothes and shoes, and how chic they look when they dress. If you don't have much financial strength you may lose your self esteem because of the way people treat you when you are broke. You have to understand that your value does not depend on the weight of your pocket.  As a valuable child of God, you deserve to be loved for who you really are not how much your bank balance is worth at the moment.

Whenever people judge you based on how much you earn, you have to accept that they are ignorant and don't know better. If you place your self value on your earnings there will be a fluctuation in self worth, and you won't be able to practice self love. As a child of God, we have access to unlimited wealth, if you cannot access them now believe that it's a process and you'll soon start living in abundance if you can persevere and work hard.


So many people don't feel good about their bodies because they see themselves as less than perfect and not good enough. That low height, flat chest, small backside, thin lips, discoloured teeth or eyeballs might not be perfection but if you can see the beauty in you they won't bother you much. So many people that appear perfect on social media has done lots of paddling, nose jobs, cosmetic surgeries, and take lots of cosmetic treatment to look that way. 

Beauty does not lie in perfection and lots of wise people will choose a beautiful heart over a beautiful body any day. Don't beat up yourself, learn to accept yourself and see the beauty in your imperfections. Remember that how you see and treat yourself matters, when you show people you love yourself they'll give you your flowers.

If there are things you feel you can change without causing yourself any harm you can do them, but be wise enough to accept things you cannot change. Concentrate on your strength and amplify them, and you'll live a happier life. If you have any physical challenge that you cannot change you should concentrate on living a happier and fulfilling life. Make friends with people that genuinely care about you, and help others like you to live a fuller life. Remember that God does not make mistakes.


It is usual for self esteem to drop when you have made a  mistake that can affect your reputation. A viral sex video, having a child outside wedlock, or engaging in other acts the society sees as shameful can lead to a decline in self worth. You have to remember that your mistakes can affect your present, but only you can decide if you want to give it power over your future. 

People are always  quick to beat themselves up and cover their heads in shame when they have done something wrong, but they are less generous with praise when they have done something right; this is a usual human behavior but this does not mean it is right. Our Lord Jesus Christ asked those without sins to cast the first stone when everyone was eager to stone the woman caught in adultery in the Bible; no one was clean enough to cast that stone, this should tell you that we are all less than perfect.

You have to learn from your mistakes and put them behind you. Self-forgiveness is part of self-love, if you are your own worst critic you are making it hard for people to love you. Forgive yourself, correct whatever you can correct, apologize to those you need to apologise to, and begin to implement a process of change that will make you a better person.


Your self esteem is usually at the lowest when you are recovering from heartbreak. If you did not initiate the break-up process, and you loved your ex, the pains would be aggravated. That feeling of worthlessness, and loss of self esteem can get worse if your partner had been abusive or if you have invested so much in the relationship.

You have to understand that loving people is a matter of choice, and leaving someone you don't love is the best decision you can ever make. You allow the unloved partner to find love, and be in a relationship they truly deserve so that they can get all the love they need. You have to give yourself time to heal, and love yourself throughout the healing process. You have to understand that someone not loving you does not mean you are unlovable, people change and you have to accept and respect their decisions.

You can be happier and give your self esteem a boost by surrounding yourself with friends, and family that truly care about you. Allow yourself to heal properly and do not seek rebound. Be careful not to run back to the ex that hurt you because you cannot cope with the loneliness. There are times in life that we need to be truly single to be whole. Your own man or woman is out there waiting for you to heal and evolve, so be kind to yourself.


I have discovered that we tend to give ourselves lesser credit than we deserve. If you are strong, sweet, hardworking, and beautiful then you have to admit it. There is a difference between self-love and self-worship; remember that God wants us to love ourselves in a healthy way. Let me remind you that you are valuable, and you deserve all the good things you desire.

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1. Signs he doesn't love you anymore

2. Can a relationship survive without sex?

3. 10 Outrageous Qualities Men Want In a Woman

4. Life rules every single lady should know before marriage

5. How to be financially independent as a lady

6. How to manage menstrual pains without drugs

7. Secret of an irresistible woman

8. How to know he loves you

9. Signs you are going crazy

10. Bury your past and get a fresh start

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