3 Months to Thirty Episode 8




Dear Diary, I have decided to start attending church again from today and every other day of my life. I had always looked for one excuse or the other to avoid going to church for several years but not today, not after what God did for me last night. You can start calling me "Sister MJ" from now and I will answer with my full chest; MoniJesu Sandra Akeju is now a believer!

A call woke up me early this morning, I checked the caller and it was Banky.

"Hello Beautiful"

"Hello Banky" I said in an emotion clogged voice. Nobody had called me "beautiful" in a long time.

"How was your night?"

"It was great" I smiled into the phone.

"I was thinking about you all night, I couldn't sleep. You think I stand a chance with all those chaps flocking around you? You just have to say Yes and I'll marry you right away" 


"MJ, I can't believe my luck when you told me you are still Single, tell me you have been waiting for me Babe" he whispered.

"Banky, I genuinely like you and I think we have something between us that is so strong. I just want us to take it slowly" I can't believe this just came out of my mouth when I wanted to scream "Yes!" on top of my voice. "MJ you are going crazy"

"It's fine MJ, just don't keep me waiting for too long. You want to come see my Mama this weekend? I'll come pick you up so that I can say hello to your Mom" he said pleadingly.

"That's fair enough" I said giggling.

"I'll make you happy MJ" he said quietly and I could feel the sincerity in his voice.

"I trust you Banky" I said moved to tears already.

"Thanks Babe. What are you doing today?"

It has been a very long time someone asked me that question and I felt that tingling feeling in my stomach.

"Church" I whispered.

"MJ a church girl? You are full of wonders Babe" He grinned.

"Yeah! Don't I know it? I have to hang up now Love, I have to prepare for church now" 

"I like that, it makes me feel very good. Can you please call me "Love" again and you can have my new car" I could picture him holding his chest trying to act smitten.

"Nah! I don't want you to start trekking around town" I said and hanged up. 

I prepared for church with so much enthusiasm, I had spotted a charismatic church in my area and I am going to dance my heart out. Well,  MJ is not going to die as an old maid .

I know you are dying to know what happened yesterday's evening at "Big Men's Resort", well, it went well. Dad was right about Banky; he came down to Nigeria in search of a wife and he's still very much in love with me. He had never outgrown his love for me, he  didn't come looking for me when he arrived because  he thought I would probably be married and he was too chicken hearted to ask.

He is all grown up and handsome, and looking at him made me develop butterflies in my stomach. If this is not the answer to my prayers I wonder what it is; I won't be surprised if I ended up getting married to Banky in few months. He stayed glued to me throughout the evening, and he was shooting arrows at other men staring at me with his eyes.

He told me he wanted to get to know me better; poor Banky, I can't blame him for being smitten because I had gone all out that evening. I wore my signature gown, the one that was long and regal but tight and magnified all the curves. I had left out a little cleavage to tempt the eyes, and mixed three varieties of perfumes to get that soft and tantalizing scent I had always loved. A flawless make-up, a gold bulb shaped small earrings, and a perfect heel later, and I was a sight for sore eyes.

Dad had ran his eyes over my attire and a look of concern crossed his face.

"Is there something wrong with my dress Dad?" 

"I know this is for Bankole but every male in that resort will have his eyes on you. Don't you think you should wear something less..."

"Perfect! This is the perfect look Dad. Banky would notice all those stares and he'll get jealous. What if he's the man I have been waiting for?"

You are your mother's daughter, just that my wife is more beautiful. Bankole's father is my childhood friend, and I would love nothing better than for the two families to unite in marriage" he said with a wink.

The night was a blast and Banky begged to take me home before midnight. He was the answer to my prayers, and I was almost glad Shade pushed me to that extremely low point so that I could find God.

I had tried very hard to bury that incident, bringing it up would hurt very badly but I can't celebrate this victory of I can't remember how I arrived here.

Shade was a cousin from my mom's side, her family has been living off ours for as long as I could remember. I was about 8 years older which means she's not even 22 yet. 

I was kind to Shade, I had been giving her clothes and buying her things since she was a baby. She wasnt that pretty but she was smart, and I loved her nevertheless. 

Shade got into a public University at the age of 16 and she was out by 20. I had supported her and ensured she lacked nothing. I happily paid for her final year project when she called whinning on the phone.

"Auntie MJ, I haven't paid for my project. It's urgent and I cant graduate without it" she cried.

I had sent her 200k and I heard from Mom afterward that she called her with same story and she had sent her 150K too. Shade was very smart and I saw her as my baby Sister so all her antics didn't really get to me. I didn't think anything about the money she has been collecting in bulk bit by bit until mom called me one evening few months back when I got home from work.

"Moni, did Shade tell you she's getting married?"

"Shade? My Shade?" I asked sounding shocked.

"Yes, her mom called me to invite our family to the occassion" 

"But why? She didn't tell me anything, I gave her 50k last week when she told me she was broke. She has not even gotten a job since she finished from NYSC" I said looking pained.

"It's OK Moni. I think you should just ignore the fact that she didn't tell you anything about her wedding. If you reprimand her she'll report to her mother and it can cause a rift between our families. She'll probably think you did it out of envy" 

"Me? Envy Shade? For What" I said sounding hurt.

"I said that was what her mom would think. Moni, let it go, I am already ashamed that little Shade is getting married before you. How do you think I'll feel at the event? People will talk behind our back..."

"It's fine Mom, I have had a stressful day at work and would love to rest" I said and walked in with an heavy heart. It was a long night and sleep was long coming, I couldn't stop thinking about Shade's betrayal.

She stopped calling since then, I am sure her mom must have told her she informed my mom about her wedding. I had forgotten about how her betrayal hurt until one Thursday morning two months later. I was relaxing in my apartment listening to soft music when Fatima knocked at my door, I wasn't feeling too well and I had taken a half-day leave.

"Yes. Who is at the door?"

"It's Fatima Madam"

"Fatima I am not hungry..."

"Big Madam said I should call you, your sister is around"

"I don't have a sister" 

"Small Madam Shade, she came with her husband in a fine car" 

"Shade? She can come to my apartment if she wants to see me. You are dismissed Fatimah" I said and returned to my Music.

She was back at the door few minutes later.

"Madam MJ"

"Fatimah leave my door or I'll strangle you"

"Madam say make you come"

"Fatimah! Do you want to die?"

My phone rang immediately and it was Mom. I contemplated not picking it but I knew I would get into trouble with Mom"


"MJ, we have a guest, dont keep them waiting"

"OK Mom" I said morosely. I was seething with anger but I managed to subdue my feelings. Shade would usually come up to my apartment anytime she's around. She'll go through my things and I'll end up giving her clothes, cosmetics, wigs, and jewelries. 

I was wearing a top on juggers, I dragged myself out of bed with my big headset and walked to the sitting room.

An older man was sitting beside her in native attire and she was clinging to his arms. "Geeze Shade, you can do better than this. This man is probably in his fifties" I thought rolling my eyes.

Usually she'll run into my arms shouting "Auntie MJ!!!" but sat down beside the man with a smug expression.

"Mom" I gave mom a quick kiss on her cheek and turned towards Shade.

"Auntie MJ, good afternoon. I have been waiting for you since" she said pouting.

"Sorry dear, I was having afternoon nap" I said managing to squeeze out a smile.

"Auntie MJ meet my Fiance Faruq, our wedding is holding next month"

My mom gave me a side look and I understood that expression. Our non-verbal communication has been top-notch since I was a kid.

"Wow! Congratulations!"

"You are happy for me? I thought you'd be mad with me" she said still clinging to Faruq as if her life depended on it.

"I'll leave you ladies to settle your differences, I'll be in my room" Mom said, she gave me a look that says "mind your mouth" before leaving.

"Why should I be mad with you" I said taking my seat.

"Because I got married before you" she blurted.

"Shade! That's rude" Faruq said chiding her.

"But that is the truth! My Mom said Auntie MJ will be mad because she can't find a man all these years and I'm getting married before her"

I caught the barb but I was trying my best not to show how much it hurt, coming from a girl I have treated like a sister for donkey years made it a bitter pill to swallow.

"Well, your mom was wrong" I said calmly and turned to Faruq.

"It's nice meeting you Mr Faruq" I said politely.

"Please forgive my Fiancee, she's just being childish. She told me she had a beautiful sister but I didn't know you are this hot" he said casting an appreciative glance my way.

"She's not my sister, she's my auntie. And you can stop looking at her like that because she's older than you" Shade said spitefully.

"I am the old one here hon, your auntie looked like she's not a day above 21" Faruq said trying to put me at ease.

"Well, you can't be more wrong! She's 42 and would be 43..."

"Excuse me" I said and stood up to leave. I might be tempted to strangle her if I stay a minute longer in her company.

"I sorry MJ, please forgive her: she's just a kid" Faruq said pleadingly.

"Let her go baby, why are you begging her? Auntie Moni is very proud, that is why she can't find a husband"

I was almost at the door when I heard the final barb.

"You can't insult someone in their house Shade, that was totally childish of you"

"I don't want her to attend my wedding, she might do something to harm me out of envy..."

I got to my room on shaky legs, I had barely closed the door when the tears started flowing, I couldn't stop it once it started and it rained tears for 3 days.

I had always loved my Dad's side of the family than Mom's and what happened was one of the reasons. Mom's side wasn't as literate and exposed as Dad's so they are prone to more gossips, rumors, and they are traditional and superstitious  in nature. I imagined them tabling my matter during their family meeting "Poor Moni, she can't find a husband despite her father's money"

They had probably brainwashed Shade into thinking I was envious of her and can harm her out of envy. Shade on the other hand had allowed her childishness metamophose into meanness.

"God! You are up there laughing at me! Give me  a husband or I'll kill myself!" I had screamed in agony. It was the lowest moment of my life and I wasn't proud of how I handled it.

It was obvious that He heard and sent Banky, and now I am a believer. I just need to find a way to win his family's heart next weekend and we can get married. It shouldn't be that hard ...

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1. 3 Months to Thirty Episode 7

2. 3 Months to Thirty

3. 3 Months to Thirty Prologue

4. 3 Months to Thirty EP 1

5. 3 Months to Thirty EP 2

6. 3 Months to Thirty EP 3

7. 3 Months to Thirty EP 4

8. 3 Months to Thirty EP 5

9. 3 Months to Thirty EP 6

10. Why Guys Dump Good Girls

11. 5 Turn-off things guys do when toasting

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