No more breakfast



How to save yourself from heartbreak

For the sake of those who are not familiar with the term "BREAKFAST" It is not actually a meal. It is a term used to describe heartbreak, being dumped, etc. Some of us have been served this meal that wasn't a meal.

If you have not had BREAKFAST before you must be very special. I want us to dissect this Verses (Gen 29:17-31). 

Please permit me to rearrange this Topic to:


(Why he dumped you)

I want you to know all the things you are doing wrong or you have done wrong. I want you be a better person.

I want you to be a loved woman whether you are Single or Married.

Leah was unloved throughout the duration of her marriage.

It was clear who Jacob preffered.

It was so bad that Leah had to take permission from Rachel before her husband could sleep with her.

So why was Leah served breakfast?

The number 1 reason was.


 You can't give someone food when he/she is not hungry.

Leah could have refused that marriage . Jacob wasas drunk that night when he made love with her thinking she was Rachel but Leah wasn't drunk.

Leah was in her right senses when she entered into that marriage.

Gen 29 Vs 17 says Leah's eyes were delicate. It actually meant Leah was cross eyed. Check other versions of the Bible.

Being cross-eyed was actually a birth defect .

She was hungry for a man to call her own.

She can do anything to enter into marriage.

Jacob saw her hunger and served her breakfast.

She ate breakfast all her life. Many Singles today are hungry for love.

You just want a man to call your own.

You can do anything and take anything to remain in a relationship.

Because you have one defect or the other you think nobody else will accept you.

Some of you have taken lots of rubbish from men.

You are too short

You are too dark

You are too fat

You are too slim

You are too tall

You don't have big breast

You don't have big backside

You don't have figure 8

You don't have British accent

You know you'll never be enough for him.

You are not what he wanted. 

Jacob wanted a woman that is well favoured (Well Endowed) Rachel was and Leah wasn't.

If he had met Leah before Rachel he would still have gone for Rachel .

You are not perfect and you'll never be perfect .

God has made you for that special man.

You are someone's taste and someone's spec. If Leah had waited she would have met a man that will fall for her weak eyes .

When I was in secondary school a guy asked me out. He made a statement then...

He said "If I marry you you'll have to do breast surgery to add to your breast.

I didn't accept to date him.

Several years after he reconnected with me and proposed again, I still said NO.

He wanted a woman with big bwess even if he falls for my fine face he'll still cheat with someone that has big bwess

I am my hubby's full spec.

Don't be hungry for a relationship; You'll never be valued if you are not wanted.

Don't beg, If a man does not admire you he'll never desire you.

Can you look at vs 26 - 27 please?

Another reason Leah got served breakfast was because:


Leah was older than Rachel, she allowed herself to be pressured because of her old age.

Laban told Jacob the reason he tricked him into marrying Leah was because she was older. Her father had to beg Jacob to fulfill her week.

I have seen so many ladies make severs mistakes in their relationship because they are not getting younger .

The man knew you were desperate.

You are so desperate and thirsty for marriage that you'll drink dirty water.

 So he'll cheat on you and pretend to be sorry.

He'll beg and you'll take him back because you think good men are scarce and you are not getting younger.

Some ladies are so desperate that they'll go to the man's house to cook for him, clean his house, take care if him etc to show him their wife material is 100yards.

You'll dash his family money and gifts to show them you can be a good wife.

He'll not marry you o!

Your money ti lo, they have chopped it.

You are never too old for marriage.

There is no timetable for it.

Two of my sister's children got married before me. They are my nieces, Each of them have two kids each now.

Dem no dey catch late comer for marriage .

Another reason Leah was served breakfast was because:


Jacob never wooed her.

Jacob never chased her.

Jacob never paid her bride price.

Those 14 years were for Rachel📝

If you are doing any of these things you need urgent counsel:

✓You are catching feelings for a man that never asked you out.

✓You are living with a man that is yet to pay your bride price or marry you properly.

✓You are the only one trying to keep your relationship together.

It takes two people to make a relationship work . Don't chase a man that is not chasing you.

Dont woo a man by yourself.

Don't try to use sex to tie down a man.

Some of you are even dating yourself.

You'll be the only one to call, visit him, give him gifts, etc You are dating yourself Sis.

When a man sees that your affection has monetary value he won't value you.

Some of you depend on your partner for all your needs.

He'll pay for your hair do.

Give you money for clothes.

Buy you food and Sharwama.

Pay your house rent etc.

Once he's spending on you he'll expect you to sleep with him.

How are you different from a prostitute? He won't marry you because you are a liability not an asset.

Another reason Leah was served breakfast:


So many ladies are on this table.

Some of you are emotional junkies.

You catch feelings at the drop of a heart.

Jacob had eyes on Rachel from the Onset and Leah knew this.

She wanted her sister's man.

It never ended well for her.

When a man is taken take your eyes off him. Dont chase someone that is in a relationship.

Do not catch feelings for a married man.

A sister that was close to me got served breakfast because she was unfaithful.

I have treated cases of several ladies that cheated and later got dumped. This is another aspect of greediness.

Your man will never forget even if he chose to forgive.

He'll never trust you again.

He'll never marry you.

He'll go for someone he can trust to stay Faithful.

God bless you . Please feel free to ask questions.


Mama, Please what  advice can you give woman like Leah in our midst.

How can she turn her daily breakfast to loving atmosphere to enjoy?


Leah was a woman unloved .

She did everything wrong when she was single and still kept doing same mistake while married.

She was too cheap, an emotional junkie, and has low self-esteem.

If you want someone to love you then the first place to start is loving yourself .

Self-love is different from self-worship, have a health dose of self-esteem.

Don't be too available and clingy.

Be valuable, keep adding value to your life.

Have dreams, goals, and walk in purpose.

He'll chose you if he's the ONE📝 He'll chase you and He'll love you.


How do one get rid of a man you love who claims the heaven doesn't approve of you for him in marriage but still keeping glueing himself coming and going.


Chase him away with stick , hand him over to the police if you can do that.

He's a thief and a time waster.

He's like a pharisee that won't enter heaven and won't allow those that want to enter to enter.

You are keeping him around at your own detriment.

He'll never marry you. He'll become a parasite and then leave to marry someone else.

Block him everywhere and let him know he's not welcome.

Don't allow him enter your house, never call him or receive his call.

Thank you for reading, kindly share this message with friends if you have been blessed. Feel free to ask your questions using the comment section.

To read more articles on relationship/Marriage click HERE


1. Signs he doesn't love you anymore

2. Can a relationship survive without sex?

3. Life rules every single lady must know before marriage

4. Why guys dump good girls

5. How to be financially independent as a lady

6. How to manage menstrual pains without drugs

7. Secret of an irresistible woman

8. How to know he loves you

9. Signs you are going crazy

10. Bury your past and get a fresh start

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