20 Things You Don't Know About Olamide Onabanjo Part 2


11. Is Olamide Onabanjo in a relationship?

 Yes, I am in this interesting relationship and it has lasted 4years already.

12. Tell us the kind of man you hope to marry someday

The kind of man I hope to marry is exactly the kind of person that I am with presently. He is loving, caring, God fearing, supportive, and accommodating. He loves to be around kids and that gives me an assurance that he will make a good Dad. I also love the fact that he respects and upholds family bond and values.

13. Who is your role model and who are your mentors?

 I don't do role models but I once had one in Subomi Olaoye, I have a lot of spiritual mentors, I will mention Pastor Matthew Olotu and pastor Samuel Oladele.

14. What are your hobbies?

 My hobbies are singing, dancing, reading, meeting/ hanging out with people and eating.

15. What do you do to stay beautiful?

To stay beautiful, I stay happy. I smile and laugh a lot. My best cosmetics is my smile. I also love my gap teeth so I keep my teeth clean so I can flash my gap teeth to the world.

16. What are your philosophies of life?

 Life is Simple...don't make it complex for yourself... Just live every day the way it comes and like it’s your last day.

If you were a fruit which fruit will that be?

If I were a fruit I will be an Apple...strong, yet no part of me can be wasted

If you were a tree which tree will that be?

 If I were a tree, I will be a palm tree.....full of resources, No waste product.

17. What advice do you have for singles and youths out there?

Sincerely, they should find their purpose...a great man once said "if the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable" and live life to fulfill your purpose on earth, and that brings me to saying  "no one can know his/ her purpose without knowing his/her creator". I am simply saying we should be closer to God.

18. You are an exceptional lady, how can youths who want you to mentor them reach you?

I am still a mentee too o! I won't have time to mentor anyone yet, let me have my success story. Mentoring anyone now may distract me.

19. Give us all your social media accounts.

 Just Facebook Olamide Onabanjo
WhatsApp 08093687810

20. The 20th thing you don’t know about Olamide Onabanjo

  She doesn’t look like what she has been through, this lady who has a smile for everyone has gone through a lot of struggles to be where she is now on her way to stardom but you won’t have an idea. Her beautiful and frequent smile gave the impression that she has had it easy in life. Olamide, Classy Singles' World is saying “Keep it up” and “See you at the top”

Please read and share Olamide’s Story to encourage every lady out there who aspire to be like her one day.

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  1. you're truly a great lady, i know this cause I've spent a lot of time around you.... continue to wax strong in grace

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