Bury Your Past and Get a Fresh Start


How to Let Go Of Past Pains and Get a Fresh Start

Do you find yourself stuck in the past and getting a fresh start seems impossible? You are not alone; almost all of us have been in that situation before.

Yes, many successful people have a past that sucks, what made them successful is their ability to pull through and get a fresh start. If Oprah Winfrey can do it, if Joyce Meyer can do it, if Juanita Bynum can do it, you can too. I know it won’t be easy but if you have the will I will show you the way.

Everyone Has a Ghost to Bury

Forget about all the smiling faces you see every day, many of them are masks, a camouflage; if only you can see the wound and scars they carry inside.

Many people find themselves stuck in the past, for some, it overwhelm them and moving on become almost impossible. So they pretend, show the world a smiling face in the day and cry at night. They want that fresh start, they want that ghost buried, but they don’t know how to do it.

Whether you find it difficult to forget an abusive partner or cannot bury a failed relationship or yours is a betrayal wound that refuses to heal, there is hope for you and you can still let go of your pains and get a fresh start. 

Keep the ghost from resurrecting is simple; you just have to nail it to the coffin. Yeah, it is possible and this is the real thing, think you can muster the strength? Can you reach for that thing you have always wanted with both hands? Here is how to get that fresh start:

To Get a Fresh Start: Forgive First

Sometimes it is bitterness that weighs you down and few times it is the guilt of what we have done to others. You have to forgive to get that fresh start you have always wanted. 

The first step in the healing process is to forgive whoever has wronged you. You also need to seek for forgiveness if necessary. The most important person that needs forgiveness is yourself, forgive the old you and embrace God’s forgiveness too. Think you can do that?

To Get a Fresh Start: Accept That You Are Not the Same

You are not the same girl that got raped, you are not the same guy that got betrayed by the girl you spent all your savings on, you are not the same girl whose best friend stole her fiancé, you are not the same girl that got abused by someone she loved, you are not the same guy that was brutal in the past!

 You need to accept this to move on.  Accept that you are a different person now, you are older and wiser and you are better than who you used to be .if such thing ever reoccur it will be because you allow it not because you can’t help it. You are stronger and wiser. You have to truly believe this to get that fresh start.

To Get a Fresh Start: Celebrate Now and Celebrate You

The past is gone dear, today is a Present, treat it that way! Today is God’s gift accept and celebrate it! Yes celebrate Today and the strong you that has made it this far.

 Yes, you are someone to be admired, you have gone through thick and thin without collapsing, you have come this far and can proceed further! And since you are burying the hurt, pain, shame, betrayed, sorrow, and anguish you need to hold a burial, nail those ghosts hard with your conviction and then go out and celebrate.

To Get a Fresh Start: Move On, a Step at a Time

Once you have buried your past it is time to get a fresh start, walk away from the grave! Don’t spend all of your time mourning, time is precious! Don’t cling to the pain like a life jacket; you will regret it.

 Don’t mourn now; you have done that in the past. Now is the time to move on, concentrate on improving you, learn a new skill and pamper yourself silly.

 Your legs will take time to be strong and steady so don’t start with a run; take a small and sure step. If you have been hurt in the past, open your heart to someone else slowly. Start with a smile and before you know it, it will graduate into a laugh.

Starting from now, start taking deliberate steps to nail that ghost to the grave and bury it permanently. Be bold enough to get that fresh start you need to be whole again.  

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