10 Outrageous Qualities Men want in a woman


 10 outrageous qualities men want in a woman

Men can be men sometimes, I mean there are some things you hear and you will just say “That is so male!” I asked some questions, did some surveys and came up with 10 outrageous qualities men want in a woman. If you are a woman you need to read this:

You are going to laugh while reading this (it is a promise) but please take it serious. Most of the men that supplied this information were serious while giving them and they vowed that it is what their male counterparts are looking for everywhere. Enough stories, let’s get down to the fact now; here are outrageous qualities men want in a woman.

Outrageous Qualities Men Want In a Woman

She must know how to dress well

She must have a vocation, job or business

She must not be fat

She must be ready to accept me the way I am

She must know how to cook

She must be light in complexion

She must be ready to do housework

She must be beautiful

She must like sex

She must know how to pray

1. She Must Know How to Dress Well

Almost all the men that answered our oral questionnaires said they want a want a good dresser. They want a woman that knows how to combine colors and accessories not one that will wear black top on black skirt with black accessories. 

According to them being a good dresser is one of the qualities they want in a woman, they get easily embarrassed when their woman is shabbily dressed.

2. She Must Have a Vocation, Job or Business

80% of the men that spoke to us want a woman with a vocation, job or business. They don’t want to be a pseudo father and are not ready to shoulder all the responsibilities while dating and even in marriage; they want a financially independent woman. I was thinking they are just being stingy but they said they don’t want a liability. 

As if that is not enough some of them said they prefer teachers and hate nurses because they think their profession is too demanding. They want a woman who will be able to work and take good care of the kids at the same time if they decide to marry her, having a job is one of the qualities men want in a woman.

3. She Must Not Be Fat

Many men disclosed that they hate fat women. A man was even telling me he was looking for a way to get the woman he was dating to lose some weight; he said she consumes chocolate and junks! I can’t believe guys can disclose things like this. 

If you are a woman reading this article, please watch your weight. A man even disclose that men watch women they date and try to predict if she will become fat in the future so that they can dump in her time. Do you think this is outrageous? You haven’t read anything.

4. She must be able to accept Me the way I am

This is one of the most outrageous qualities men want in a woman, because I think it is selfish. Guys don’t ever want to change and ladies are always out to change characters of their men especially the bad ones, isn’t that an irony? 

If men can have their way, they want a woman that will tolerate all their vices without complaining. In other words, they want her to look the other way when they go on binge drinking, cheat or stay out late at night, isn’t that wicked and outrageous? There is more…

5. She Must Know How to Cook

Men said they want women that score high in the kitchen department, and they want real food not noodles and egg or spaghetti in egg sauce (I have to laugh before I continue). They don’t care how beautiful she look if she keep feeding them burnt sacrifice, bitter concoction or salty food, they might just jump out of the boat.

To be sincere, this is one of the not so outrageous qualities men want in a woman, if you want a man in your life as a woman it is only fair that you learn how to feed him.

6. She Must Be Light in Complexion

Now this is one of the most outrageous qualities men want in a woman, what has being light in complexion got to do with her capability as a woman and wife? 70% of the men I have met love fair ladies, why do you think bleaching and whitening creams are popular today? 

Majority of men find Fair ladies attractive, the ripeness of their skin excite them. I think it is childish anyways, only children get attracted to flashy things, don’t think of bleaching your black skin as a lady because of this, there are still mature men out there who get attracted to natural things. 

7. She Must Be Beautiful

Men compare the women in their lives and boast about the beautiful ones, they even carry their pictures on their phones and laptops. Almost all the men I knew have shown me the picture of their beautiful girlfriend at one time or the other. Men who attend to our survey all want beautiful women but their perception about beauty differs.

Some said they see woman with fine facial structure as beautiful while some voted for a big hips, some said they prefer women with large breasts but they still want her to carry an attractive face.  Isn’t this outrageous, I am voting this as one of the most outrageous qualities men want in a woman because it is sentimental. 

8. She Must Like Sex

They also want a tigress in bed, okay, I made a little exaggeration there; they want a woman that will like sex and won’t cry off with headache when they want sex after marriage. They said men are wired to want lot of sex ad they want a woman who doesn’t think sex is something dirty that should be done to make babies in marriage.

They said they want a woman that gives sex cheerfully and even demand for it at times, they want her to be ready when they are ready and don’t want to entertain excuses.

9. She Must Be Ready To Do Housework

A man even said if men start doing house chores women will take them for granted and turn them into errand boys “Imagine my wife asking me to pick Ewedu” he said while wearing a repulsive look. Men want a woman that will be ready to clean up after cooking alone.

They want to be left alone to watch TV because they have gone to work all day; at least over 80% of them want this. The other 20% that said they can assist their wives are Christians; they said they have gotten over African mentality of women being slaves. What do you think? Doing housework alone is one of the qualities men want in a woman.

10. She Must Know How to Pray

Men want prayer warriors, even those that are not religious; they want their women on their knees interceding for them. When pastor EA Adeboye said sometimes ago that men should not marry a woman that cannot pray for at least one hour many men received the news with excitement, they were grinning and thinking “Yeah, let her pray away all our problems while we work”.

Men want a woman who can battle on her knees; I think they should also learn how to pray. Life is a battle field as one of my friends used to say, and they are some personal battle nobody can fight for you.

You have read all the outrageous qualities men look for in a woman, what do you think?  

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1. Signs he doesn't love you anymore

2. Can a relationship survive without sex?

3. 10 Outrageous Qualities Men Want In a Woman

4. Life rules every single lady should know before marriage

5. How to be financially independent as a lady

6. How to manage menstrual pains without drugs

7. Secret of an irresistible woman

8. How to know he loves you

9. Signs you are going crazy

10. Bury your past and get a fresh start


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