Your woman might not be able to tell you this but she adores you, she is crazy about you and there are some things you do that drives her completely crazy. If a woman loves you she will tell you like 100 times in a day but she might not sit you down to tell you why she can’t love or be with another man; why she is completely into you and might go nut if you ever leave her. So here are the things your woman loves about you:
She loves the fact that you are reliable and she can always
count on you. Have you ever wondered why she always calls you first when she is
in a tight corner or in trouble? It is because she knows you can and will
always take care of her. Her trouble seems to vanish immediately she hears your
voice. When she loses people dear to her she knows your strong arm is ever
ready to envelop her, she could cry there and pick up her strength again. She knows
you are on her side and is ever ready to support her dreams; when she needs
comfort, you are not far away; when she needs support, it is your shoulder she
craves and for the sake of this, she will do anything to keep you.
Yeah! She loves this, it is a fact that women are moved by
what they hear; she is with you because you know how to say the right things at
the right time. She loves the way you talk to her sometimes as if she is your
baby girl when you are pulling her legs and the way you talk to her as if she
is a mature woman when having a serious discussion. She loves the fact that you
don’t shout at her and call her names when you are angry. When she is angry,
you know what to say to make her calm down; when she is depressed you know just
the right words to encourage her and bring a smile to her lips. She might not
tell you this but she thinks you are better than all her girlfriends put
She loves the fact that you are her number one fan. She
knows who to come to when she just got a job, a promotion or just passed her
exams because she knows your next word will be “we have to celebrate this
girl”. She loves the fact that you never forget her birthday and days that are
important to her. You mean a lot to her because you celebrate her creativity
and encourage her. Do you remember the day you ate her food and declared that
she is the best cook in the world? That’s the reason she joined that catering
class. She can’t seem to forget the way you cheer her on when she is in a competition
even if it is just a silly one she is having with her friends
Women are constantly in competition, they want to know who
has the most caring guy, the one that has the nicest guy etc and you made her
won all the awards. When she is among her friends, they always talk about how
she is priceless to you and you can’t joke with her and this makes her proud.
She can’t keep a fight for long with you because she knows all her friends her
jealous of her relationship with you and might want to snatch you. She told her
friends all the nice things you do for her and they think you are the best.
When her friends’ boyfriends are giving excuses on holidays and Valentine’s Day,
you show up and take her out and this made her friends think you are Mr.Wonderful.
You are proud of the fact that she belongs to you and she
knows this. She saw the pictures of her you posted on your Facebook page and
the lovely captions. She loves the fact that almost everybody around you knows
her and is aware that she is your girl. She loves the way you put her on your
DP and celebrate your relationship. She is proud of the way you introduce her
in public and the fact that you love going out with her.
She loves being with you because there is no dull moment
when she is with you. She love the fact that you are ready to play and get
dirty with her. Whether you are on the beach or in the living room you are
ready to give her a mock chase when she says anything dirty to you. She loves
the fact that you don’t take it out on her when you have had a bad day at work.
She loves the fact that she can be herself around you and you won’t call her
silly or childish. The way you laugh at her jokes even if you have heard it
several times already really makes you dear to her.
Your woman loves the fact that you always notice when she is
wearing a new clothe, hairstyle or perfume. You know just the right compliment
to make her feel good all day. When she makes the effort to dress up for you
she knows the effort is not wasted. She loves the fact that you are easy to
please and doesn’t make unnecessary complain. You are generous with the way you
dish out your compliments without making it sound false, this made her
determine to keep you.